10 Strategies To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone!

How to Sept Out of Comfort Zone

Pohot Credit- Quora

“A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for.”….. John A. Shedd


Our primitive brain is hardwired to protect us from unfamiliar situations and things. Consequently, we feel uncomfortable when we find ourself in unknown circumstances.

If you are living in a comfort zone, you have accepted your current situation in life, irrespective of whether you are happy or not. You do not take action to change it as you feel vulnerable and threatened. 

If one wishes to make any meaningful change in one’s life one has to do things which make him step out of his/her fears, doubts, concerns etc.


A few strategies:

1.   What you don’t want to do you must do!... Jim Rohn                              

Most of the successful people make it a habit to do the things which other people or their inner critic says can not be done.

Whenever you feel uncomfortable doing something, make resolve to do it. Go beyond the feelings of being uncomfortable.

You don’t have to fight that feeling, rather make friends with it. In doing so you shall be at peace with it. As and when the feeling of discomfort arises, you will feel at home, and take action.


2.   What is the cost of inaction?

Whatever action you don’t take has a price tag attached to it. Remind yourself what you would lose if you don’t take action.

See beyond your fears, self doubts. Have a clear picture of all possibiliteis that awaits you on the other sides of your discomfort, insecurity, fear etc.

3.   Find an accountability partner

Announce your decision to take action, which you have been delaying, to your close friend, and make him your accountability partner.

Request her/him to take feedback from you on the progress made every day. In case you have not taken action then there would be a penalty. It could be donating money to some charity, going for a 10/20 km walk or giving up something you like for a few days.

4.   Take small steps everyday

Small steps taken consistently everyday produces big results. Take baby steps initially:

·        if you follow the same routine everyday upon getting up in the morning change it.

·        If you take the same route to go to office, take a different route

·        If you are used to doing a task in a particular way, try some other way

·        If you feel uncomfortable in expressing your emotions. Start saying I love you to your kids, parents and spouse.

Once you feel comfortable doing small things outside your comfort zone, you can take on bigger challenges.

5.   Expose yourself

Too often we unconsciously follow the same pattern. We don’t feel comfortable going beyond the safety bubble created by us. We tend to venture into the known environment only. Deliberately expose yourself to new environment and things:

    ·        Make new friends

    ·        Read books on different topic  

    ·        Go to places where you generally don’t go on vacations. Like some people               are fond of beaches and don’t explore hills etc. So this time around you may             go to a hill station.


6.   Create a compelling future

Many a times people do not leave their safe harbour because they do not have a very strong reason to take a plunge.

When a person has created a vision of a compelling future for himself,he will push himself to take risks to make his vision a reality. In his pursuit he will overcome any obstacle, fear, doubt etc that may come in his way.

So envision a compelling future which is large than life and moves you to take massive action.

7.   Equip yourself with new skills and knowledge

If you are a non-swimmer and someone tells you to jumps into a swimming pool, will you be comfortable in jumping in. Any sane person will not jump in if he/she does not know swimming.

In this example, you are constrained by lack of skill. There would many instances where you would shy away from taking action because you do not have required skills or knowledge to perform the task.

In such cases equip yourself with required skills and knowledge so that you are certain about your ability to carry out the task and do it irrespective of whether you feel comfortable or not.

8.   Replace Your Irrational Beliefs

How to step out of Comfort Zone

Photo Credit-Quora

Our actions and state of mind are largely governed by our deep rooted beliefs. If our beliefs are rational/empowering, it will have a positive impact on us and if the beliefs are irrational, they will act as an impediment.

Looke within and see what irrational beliefs you are holding on to.

    ·        I am not smart

    ·        I am lousy

    ·        I am not genetically gifted

    ·        I had a troubled childhood etc

The scale of our success is determined by the scale of our beliefs.

Question your irrational beliefs. Your irrational beliefs don’t have to become your reality.

Look around and you will find countless people who were in more challenging situation than you but have made big in their life.

Replace your irrational beliefs with rational beliefs.

9.   Growth Mindset

People who do not take risks have a fixed mindset. They are happy with status quo, they do not learn new skills, are uncomfortable in unfamiliar situations.

Where as people with growth mindset, see unlimited possibilities. They challenge status quo, develop new ways of doing things. They constantly learn new skills. They seek challenges and thrive on it. They take failure as a learning experience than an excuse to define them.

Become a person with a Growth Mindset.

10.        Be Hungry

Real reason people don’t step out of their comfort zone is that they are not hungry enough.

A guy who is meek, had always avoided fights and tough conversation throughout his life, is faced with a situation where his child or spouse is in a precarious situation. Will he not fight with all his might to save them?

Where did he get that courage to fight? It was his hunger to save his loved ones which made him throw caution to the wind, and fight.

When one is hungry, one is not worried about consequences.His focus is fixed on his goals and he does not stop till he accomplishes it.

Be Hungry!

There is only place where a person can be comfortable without any consequence and that place is his grave. People who are reluctant to move out of their comfort bubble, are living in a live grave.

So one must make a choice whether to live or exist. Life is outside your comfort zone.

Go Get It!








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