20 Strategies To Prepare For Life After COVID19

 The actual destruction caused by a hurricane or any other calamity is know only after it ends. Behind it leaves a trail of destruction of property, nature, infrastructure, people and most importantly human spirit.  This is when the real work of revival begins.

Likewise the real extent of damage caused by current COVID19 (Coronavirus) pandemic will be known once it is brought under control.

 One thing is for sure that the world would never be the same again.

 Once the people start their normal life routines, the reality would start hitting them. Some of us would have  lost our loved once, lost our jobs, savings are gone, houses or cars impounded by the banks for defaulting on mortgage payment, retirement savings used up for making our ends meet. People who were on the verge of taking retirement may have to work for few more years. There are already reports of millions of people being laid off, salaries being cut, new projects being abandoned around the world. Economy of the entire world is in doldrums.

The situation is akin to what the world faced during the Great Depression of 1930s. Though I myself have not experienced the event however have read a lot about it and watched it in Hollywood movies. It was really scary. The Human spirit was the biggest victim of the depression. Many people lost hope, they just gave up. When the suffering became too much to handle they committed suicide or turned to crime. 

Great Depression

 I am not sure if things are that bad now, and I hope and pray that they are not. Most of us are confined to our houses waiting to get back to our normal routine. This is the time when we must prepare ourselves to face the life in the aftermath of COVID19. I am sharing  18 strategies with you to be battle ready to face the new reality. Some of the strategies are based on the lessons learnt from the time of Great Depression. Media has already started calling the current situation as “Great  Lockdown”

1.           It Ain’t Over Until It’s over

The respective Governments may lift the restrictions and allow its citizens to resume normal life in a phased manner. Please be cautious, don’t think the impact of the disease is over, it may strike back. Don’t lower your guards until the disease disappears or the cure is found. Take required precautions.

2.           Take Stock of Your Assets

Many people have lost their jobs during the catastrophe. Some are incurring losses in their businesses. If you had invested in stock market, your portfolio may be bleeding. Some might have to take cut in this salaries. This has forced many to dig into their savings, if they had any, or rely on credit.  

This is the time to take stock of your assets which can provide you money for your current needs and for future requirements. Once you have visibility of your assets prioritise your spending.


3.           Develop New Skills

Ask yourself  if tomorrow your company decides to lay off people, do you have expertise or skill sets which will help you in retaining your position. If not then what new skill sets would you require to make yourself indispensable. God forbid if the worst happens then what skill set would help you in getting a job. Even if your job is safe, acquire new knowledge or skills which will help you in career progression.
Since you have time right now, go ahead and do some online courses. There are a few institutes which are offering free online courses. You can also do some online  research work in your field of work and become an authority on a given topic. Go and make best use of your time.

Skill development

4.           Find Alternate Source of Income

Some of us may face financial difficulties once the situation normalises. You may have to look for alternate source of income to support your family. In today’s digital world internet is a very potent tool to earn additional money. A few examples:

  •               Assess what you are good at? There are a few sites on internet where you can offer your  expertise to do freelancing work.
  •               If you know a foreign language you could work as freelance interpreter.
  •               You a can start blogging or creat your own tube channel and earn money.
  •               If you are good at dancing, painting or any sports you can do part time coaching also.
  •             There are a few income opportunities on Amazon, Shopify etc. Explore these opportunities and make use of them for earning some money.

5.           Share the Burden

If your spouse or any other adult family member is willing he or she can also find a full time or part time job to earn some money. Or as mentioned in the earlier para she or he could also make use of internet to work from home.

6.           Protect Your Money

Money is not everything but life can become difficult without money. When the resources are scarce it is very important that we do not loose our money. Every penny should be preserved and spent wisely getting maximum value out of it. Penny saved is pound earned.

Don’t loose money

7.           Prepare yourself Mentally for the Tough Time

The biggest differentiator between who would barely survives and who would thrives is the Mind  Set. Prepare yourself psychologically for the tough times ahead. Accept that these are tough times don’t be in denial mode. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

Mental toughness

8.           Don’t Give Up

Some of us may face some set backs during this time of difficulty.  When you fall, dust off yourself and get back again. Don’t you ever give up. Winners never quit and quitters never win. Just hang in there. When your mind and body is about give up, tell yourself to hang in for one more hour for one more day. Take one day at a time. Don’t look far ahead in the future as it may discourage you. Just focus on the Now.  As the Victor Frank said find your “Why

Those who have a 'why' to live, can bear with almost any 'how'.”
― Viktor E. Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning

Don’t give up

9.           Be Frugal

As the money is scares spend money only on needs. Whenever you are tempted to buy something ask yourself whether it is a need or want. Don’t spend money on the latest car or mobile or Tv or watch etc. Life can go on without them. If you are staying in a house which is big for your family move to a smaller house or move out from an expensive area to a cheaper one in suburbs. Don’t spend a single penny on wants.

Be Frugal

10.         Don’t Waste Anything

I have seen people changing their automobiles every 3-4 years. Discarding shoes or slightly old clothes which are in perfect condition. Pardon me for saying ladies but this is not the time when you can discard a dress saying that you wore it in the last party.  Clothes of the elder sibling can preserved for use of  the younger one. Learn to use and reuse, recycle whatever material you can.

11.         Simplify Life

This is the God send opportunity to simplify your life.  There is no fun in hoarding expensive things in your house. When you buy bigger furniture or unnecessary gadgets like separate TV in each room, multiple cars etc it not only costs you money in buying but also in maintaining it. Learn to live with bare essential items. Adopt minimalist way of living. Reduce the clutter from your house. You may sell unwanted furniture or equipment’s on eBay. When you make space in your home it will automatically create space in your life. 

12.         Get Back To The  Drawing Board

Before the onset of the dreaded disease one would have made plans for the future. There may be a possibility that your plans may have gone awry due to ongoing situation. Don’t get discouraged, get back to drawing board and re-plan your finances, career, retirement etc. Once the plan is ready start working on it with single minded focus.

13.         Do It Yourself

Till now you had luxury of hiring people to do chores. If your finances are not in great shape, it is not a bad idea to do some of the tasks yourself. If you had employed people to clean your house, dishwashing, gardening etc. You can do these taks yourself and save money. Similarly you can do small electrical, plumbing or carpenters jobs yourself.  Adopt a Do It Yourself attitude

14.         Cultivate relationships

Love and care is the balm which can heal deepest of the wounds. Love can help in overcoming any difficulty. When the chips are down family, neighbours, friends and society will come to your support.  Cultivate cordial relationship with people. Connect with people through phone, internet, WharsApp, Facebook etc if your not able to meet them, in person.

Build relationships

15.         Adapt

Adaptability is the  main characteristic required to thrive in an uncertain world. Be flexible, embrace the change, don’t fight it. Be mobile. You may have to relocate to a different city in the search of a new occupation. You may have to change the profession you are in. When you can not change the situation change yourself.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survives.
It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”

― Charles Darwin

16.         Keep Your Flock Together

Take care of your family. Incidents of child and spouses abuse have increased during this period. As per one of news reports , cases of divorce have increased during the lockdown period. Children especially teenager and adolescents would require your guidance to sail through these difficult times. You will recoup your lost money but relationships once broken are difficult to mend.


 17.         Develop a  Good Sense of Humour.

You must have heard, laughter is the best medicine. There is no situation which a healthy laughter can not diffuse. Watch comedy movies, stand up comedy, crack jokes or read comics. Try out Laughter Yoga. If you don’t find anything, laugh at yourself. It will bring back sanity in your life.


18.         Believe in Yourself

Have a healthy self image of yourself. In today’s world, we judge our self worth by the possessions we have. Don’t allow your self worth to be contingent upon something outside of you. Don’t compare yourself with others. Most important, believe in yourself. This Too Shall Pass.

Self belief

19.      Be Compassionate To Others

The best antidote I know for worry is work. The best cure for weariness is the challenge of helping someone who is even more tired. One of the great ironies of life is this: He or she who serves almost always benefits more than he or she who is served.” 
― Gordon B. Hinckley, Standing for Something: 10 Neglected Virtues That Will Heal Our Hearts and Homes

There would be many other people around you who would be more unfortunate than you. Go out and help them out whatever little way you can. There is no greater joy in the world than wiping the tear off a hapless person.

20.       Be Self Sufficient

During these difficult times the resources would have become scarce or unaffordable. If you have some space available you can grow your own vegetables etc. If you know stitching you can stitch your and your family’s clothes. Reduce your dependence on people outside of you for better utilisation of the scarce resources.

Summing Up

List of 20 strategies is as under:

1.  It ain’t over until it is over
2.  Take stock of your assets
3.  Develop new skills
4.  Find alternate source of income.
5.  Share the burden
6.  Protect your money
7.  Prepare yourself mentally for the tough time
8.  Don’t give up
9.  Be frugal
10. Don’t waste anything
11. Simplify life
12. Get back to drawing board
13. Do it yourself
14. Cultivate relationships
15. Adapt
16. Keep your flock together
17. Develop good sense of humour 
18. Believe in yourself.
19. Be compassionate to others
20. Be Self- Sufficient

Remember- The thing which does not kill you makes you better.

What is your strategy? Let me know in the comment section.


  1. Thank you writer for writing such a positive & motivational article in current challenging time👍
    Recommend strategies are worth to follow👌
    Look forward to many more such good article🙏

  2. Beautifully done
    It confirmed the path I was creating.💙🙏💙

    1. Good to know that you are praying yourself for future challenges. There is a famous saying in the Army More You Sweat In Peace Less you Bleed In War.

      All the very best to you.

  3. Read Preparing for Praying.


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