How to Lose Weight? – An Unorthodox and a Simple Process
Key facts (WHO Report 1st April 2020)
1. Worldwide obesity has nearly tripled since 1975.
2. In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight. Of these over 650 million were obese.
3. 39% of adults aged 18 years and over were overweight in 2016, and 13% were obese.
4. Most of the world's population live in countries where overweight and obesity kills more people than underweight.
5. 38 million children under the age of 5 were overweight or obese in 2019.
6. Over 340 million children and adolescents aged 5-19 were overweight or obese in 2016.
7. Obesity is preventable.
“How to Lose Weight?” This is one question I am asked regularly by people due my interest in Ultra Marathon running ( any distance beyond a Marathon distance is called Ultra Marathon). During the chat, I can make out that they know everything about weight loss but are still overweight!!
Then the question comes: If people know how to lose weight
then why don’t they just implement what they know?
The main reason is the
perception that in order to lose weight they need to alter their routine
drastically. One can imagine how a person, who is physically inactive, will
feel when he is asked to exercise 30-45 min everyday or an individual will feel
who is fond of fast/ junk food is advised to live on salads and fruits.
Here are the steps:
Keep a Food Journal
Maintain a food journal, in that you record whatever you eat or drink during the day.
For one-week, everyday note down the following in your journal:
· What you eat or drink?
How many times you eat?
Categories the food. Record unhealthy food you
ate during the day.
You are required to just make a note of it and don’t do
anything. This exercise will help you to become aware of your eating patterns.
Remind Yourself Whenever You Eat Unhealthy Food
You should not feel guilty when you remind yourself about consuming unhealthy food. Do this exercise for 2 weeks.
Small changes In Eating Habits
Now that you have been keeping Food Journal for 2-3 weeks, you know what you eat, how many times you eat and what time you eat.
Most of the people eat snacks 2-3 times during the day besides breakfast, lunch and dinner and I am sure you would have recorded what you eat during the snacks.
Now is the time to make very small changes in your food habits.
§ Take food in smaller plates. When you take food in small plates it will look full and this will have psychological impact on you that you have eaten a plate full of food. This would reduce your food intake.
§ If you are in a habit of eating unhealthy snacks, replace the snack with some healthy alternatives.
If you eat snacks multiple times a day. To begin with replace unhealthy snacks with healthy one only once a day and rest of the time continue the way you have been eating earlier. Do this for one week and then replicate the same process for rest of the snack breaks.
§ Many a times, when we are feeling hungry, we start munching on whatever is visible and accessible. Other times we eat snacks because it is there in front of us. To avoid that keep healthy snacking options on your table and keep unhealthy snacks at a place which is out of your sight and not easily accessible.
§ Lunch/Breakfast/Dinner-Replace just one unhealthy item from your menu at a time. If replacing one item looks difficult then start with reducing one quarter portion of it.
For example, if you eat one bowl of sweet as a dessert, now onwards eat only three quarter of the bowl. Do this for 2 weeks after which you can further reduce it by a quarter and eat only half a bowl. By reducing slowly and over a period you can completely replace the bowl of sweet with something healthier.
If you find it hard to cut down a quarter bowl also then start with reducing one- two spoons only. Once comfortable with it then you can further reduce the consumption by another 1-2 spoons.
Don’t go from first step to the second step (reduction from ¼ to ½ bowl) till such time you are not comfortable with the first step. If you force yourself to implement the second step, the chances are that you shall not be able to sustain it long and will fall back to your original habit.
§ Once you are successful in replacing one healthy food item then move on to the second time and so on. This will take time; however, the change is so small and subtle that you will be able to implement it easily without any resistance from your old habit pattern.
Reduce Sugar Consumption
Sugar is one of the main culprits in increase in weight. One of the sources of sugar is through tea and coffee. If we reduce our intake of sugar through tea or coffee it will have a big impact on our weight management. If you are fond of drinking sweet tea/ coffee, then suddenly drinking it without sugar will be very uncomfortable.
Small Changes in Physical Activity
Lack of time is one of the excuses people have not do exercise. So one can start with devoting a very little time to do exercise which can further be increased over a period of time.
§ As an initiation towards exercising, put on your exercise clothes and just watch TV or read newspaper etc. Don’t do any physical activity besides wearing the gear. Do this for 1 week.
You must have notices that the clothes have a power to change the way you feel. If you are dressed formally you will start feeling and behaving formal. Similar casual clothes will make you feel and behave relaxed and causal. Likewise, when you are in exercise gear your mind set will change and it will be easier for you take the second step.
§ In his book One Small Step Can change You Life- The Kaizen Way Robert Maurer recommends marching for 1 min in front of the TV while you are watching your favourite program for a month. You may increase or decrease this time as per your comfort level.
§ He further suggests, you can do marching during the commercial breaks and continue to watch the program once the break is over. As such you do not have to earmark any additional time for exercise. Also, your body will get accustomed to exercise and the habit of exercising will start getting formed.
You may replace marching with spot running or skipping.
§ If you have a stationary bike of treadmill at home, you can walk or ride it for 1 min everyday for 2-3 weeks. Then subsequently increase the time for next couple of weeks to 2/3 /5 mins. If your mind resists walking or riding even for a minute, then you can spend some time on it while reading a newspaper or books or watching television.
§ If you do the marching/spot running as mentioned in the preceding paras for 1 month, your body will get used to it and it will start craving it. Then you may go outdoors or use treadmill for walk/run.
§ You can watch television or do other chores, for some time, while standing rather than sitting all the time.
Celebrate Your Wins
Get Adequate Sleep
Visualise Your Way to Good Health
Summing Up:
1. Change
Your Mindset- Focus on attaining healthier and fitter body than reducing
2. Keep a Food
Journal- Write down whatever you eat during the day for a entire week
3. Remind Yourself
Whenever You Eat Unhealthy Food
4. Small
Changes in Eating Habits-
i) Take food in smaller plates
ii) Replace unhealthy snack with healthy
iii) Hide unhealthy snacks
iv) Replace one unhealthy item from your meal. Or reduce 1/4 of
the item if reducing full items seems daunting.
5. Reduce Sugar Consumption-
Reduce sugar consumption by 1/4 spoon in tea or coffee. Then continue with the process till you are
comfortable with sugarless tea/coffee.
6. Small Changes in Physical
i) Baptism to exercise: Wear exercise gear and watch TV or newspaper for 1 week.
March or Spot run for 1 min in-front of the
television while watching program- 3 weeks.
March or Sport run during the commercial breaks while
watching television- 3 weeks
Once comfortable can go out for a walk or run.
7. Celebrate Your Wins
8. Get Adequate Sleep
9. Visualise Your Way to Good Health- Make it as vivid, as detailed as real as possible.
Nice article 👌 Steps are easy to implement for one who is looking for a healthy & fitter body