Yes, We Can Learn Valuable Life Lessons From The Politicians!!


Lessons From Politicians

You must be wondering what can the politicians possibly teach us. Whenever we think about politics or politicians, more often than not we are filled with negative thoughts about them.

In a democracy, politicians and voters share a love hate relationship. Their destinies are intertwined with each other.

All said and done, I have always been intrigued by the way politicians conduct their business. They definitely have some qualities which enables them to survive and thrive in a turbulent, dynamic and cut-throat world of politics.

We can learn following lessons from the politicians: (Here I am not talking about political figures like Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela etc, they were not politicians they were great leaders.)


I find persistence to be one of the most admirable quality of politicians. Despite loosing successive elections, they do not give up. They continue to test their luck and keep fighting elections in spite of repeated failures.

Like them we must also keep going, despite obstacles and failures in the pursuit of our goals.

Ability to Influence People

One of the key quality of a good leader is his ability to influence people. And politicians are master in the art of influencing people! Despite their flaws and open secretes they are able to sway people’s opinion and influence them to vote in their favour.

You may be in any profession, to be successful,  you will have to interact with people and influence them. If one has this quality in one’s repertoire he can be successful in any walk of life.

They Have Thick Skins

Without exception all the politicians have a thick skin. They don’t get affect by criticisms and rejections. They don’t care what others think or talk about them. They are subject to constant humiliation and ridicule from the opposition party, media and public at large. 

However, none of these things affect them. Then don't take things personal.

They are Quick Thinkers

The politicians are subject to lots of media attention. They are surrounded by media personnel all the time. Many a times they are required to articulate their views on different controversial issues. They have a knack of answering to tricky questions diplomatically with out jeopardizing their own interest/position. 


Flexibility is one of the hallmarks of politicians. They adapt to changing political environment very quickly.

 In politics there no permanent friends or foes. I am no way suggesting that you should not have permanent friends, that you must. But don’t have permanent foes. Don’t burn your bridges with others, you never know when and where you may need them.


They Seize the Moment

Politicians are like a tiger on the prowl, constantly looking for opportune moment to attack their adversaries. 

The moment opposition party makes a mistake they pounce on them ruthlessly and expose their mistakes in front of the public. Because of this ability, the opposition is always on their toes and strives not to deviate from their agenda.

Similarly, if they have done something worthwhile they would let the whole world about it. 

They don’t Shy away from Asking

Ask and you shall receive. The politicians follow this verse of bible to the core. Every time there are elections they will come knocking at your door asking for votes. In their heart, they know very well that they did not carry out any development work for their constituency the last time they were elected. Still that does not stop them asking for votes.

They ask and they get what they ask!

Hard Work

The politicians may not do enough work for the development of their constituency, but they really work hard to get elected. They burn midnight oil during elections, they not only conduct political rallies in their own area but in other areas also to support their party candidates. They work long hours, interact with their party worker and their voters even in the remotest areas. 

Without hard word there is no success in life whether it is politics or any other field.

They are Hugely Optimistic

Many a times I wonder, why so many politicians contest for one seat, where everybody knows the contest if between one or two top contenders. Despite all the odds they do not hesitate to contest elections, they pour out their sweat and money in contesting the elections full knowing the end result in advance.

 To me politicians are one of the most optimistic lot around.

They Turn Set Backs into Stepping Stones

The politics is very dynamic and full of uncertainties. Here everyday is a new day. The politicians are on the receiving end of everyone. They have to face the flake for any thing and everything that happens around us, irrespective of whether it is a natural disaster or a man made catastrophe.

Whatever the life throws at them, they make the most out of it. They use adverse conditions for their advantage. If there is a flood, hurricane, earthquake or COVID like pandemic, they hit the street and provide support to affected people. Though their motive may be for electoral gains but the people do get benefited out of it.


These are some of the qualities which let them come to power despite their failures and perceived flaws. We can also imbibe a few of these qualities ( not their conduct) in us to live a successful and happy life.


Summing Up:

One can learn following lessons from the Politicians:

1.           Persistence

2.           Ability to Influence People

3.           They Have Thick Skins

4.           They are Quick Thinker

5.           Adaptability

6.           They Seize the Moment

7.           They don’t Shy away from Asking

8.           Hard Work

9.           They are Hugely Optimistic

10.         They Turn Set Backs into Stepping Stones



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