14 Teachings of Buddha for a Happy Life!
Nagorno-Karabakh: Nearly 5,000 dead in conflict, Putin says…BBC News
Afghan bombing: Kabul education centre attack kills at least 18…BBC News
China forces prepare
for possible military invasion of Taiwan, deploy hypersonic missile...WION
Gunmen storm school in Cameroon, killing at least six children... Reuters
Not a single day goes by when we don’t
read, hear and watch these kind of news on media, which forces us to think
which way the world is going.
The blind desire, ambition to rule the world has made our already difficult life even more difficult.
Whenever we are faced with roadblocks, be it in business, sports, life etc, we are advised to go back to basics.
In pursuit of success, excellence,
superiority over the universe, we as human beings have disconnected with the
fundamentals (basics) of life.
And this is the time to get back to
basics to heal our lives and the world at large.
Here I am reminded of the teachings of
Buddha, who was one of the noblest souls to incarnate on this earth. What he taught 2500 years ago are still
His teachings were simple and
practical which can be implement can be used by a lay person in his/her life.
I am putting forward a few of the
teachings of Buddha, which I feel will transform our lives and the world if we
practice them daily.
1. Control Your Mind
There is nothing so disobedient as an undisciplined mind, and there is nothing so obedient as a disciplined mind.
I strongly believe that we all are
responsible for the current situation the world is in.
When millions of people across the
world are thinking the thoughts of hatred, pessimism, violence etc how could
there be peace, positivity, love around us.
All suffering in our lives and the world
is created in our minds.
The world without is the reflection of
our thoughts within.
If we want to change our life we must
change the thoughts we think.
Always remember, our mind is a good
slave but a bad master.
2. Right Speech
Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace.
Words have life!
In Hindu mythology, it said that the
goddess of wisdom, Maa Saraswati, resides on our tongue once in 24 hrs, and
whatever we say comes true.
You should be very careful what words
we use, how we use it.
We as a society has become very casual
in use of words. Social media is rife with profane language.
Hear the political leaders, heads of countries using unparliamentary language on social media and in their
In fact, the definition of unparliamentary
language seems to have changed now.
It is better to keep quite rather than
engage in an idle talk. Before you speak ask yourself ask yourself:
If you propose to
speak always ask yourself, is it true, is it necessary, is it kind.. Buddha
3. Free Yourself from Desire
There is no fire like passion, there is no shark like hatred, there is no snare like folly, there is no torrent like greed.
One of main reasons for suffering in
our lives is desires.
We are always running behind
something. When we do not get it, we suffer.
We have a desire to become successful,
be better than others, be rich, be famous and the list is endless.
The bigger the list of desires we
have, more we will suffer.
Even if we all our desires are fulfilled,
there is no guarantee that we would be happy. There are many examples of
unhappy millionaire/billionaire and happy paupers in our society.
In today’s world a country has a desire
to exert its influence on other countries, a group of brainwashed terrorists
want to establish their rule on the world, one country wants to grab a piece of
other country’s land etc.
This madness has thrown the entire world into
a contestant state of flux and chaos.
To have a peaceful life we must
curtail our desires and live a contended life.
4. Equanimity
Praise and blame, gain and loss, pleasure and sorrow come and go like the wind. To be happy, rest like a giant tree in the midst of them all.
A person who is unaffected by dualities
of life, who is not disturbed by pain and pleasure, good or bad, praise or criticism
is considered to be equanimous.
This virtue is very essential in today’s
world when the world is increasingly becoming aggressive and intolerant.
There is so much misinformation floating
around us that it can disturb our peace of mind.
5. Learn to Suffer
We have become like snow flakes, we melt
under pressure. Our lives have become way too comfortable.
the army soldiers are put through
so much of physical and mental stress so that it makes their mind callous,
which makes them to perform well under stress in combat situations. They are
broken physically and mentally during the training so that they don’t break
during the life and death situations.
We must learn to suffer physically and
mentally so that when we face adversity, we are not overwhelmed by it.
Deliberately expose yourself to challenging,
stressful situation.
6. Compassion
A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.
The compassion is the balm which has
the power to heal any wound. The world badly needs it.
A heart with compassion is the true image of the
When we think about compassion, we are
reminded of Mother Teressa. She was an epitome of compassion who dedicated her
life for the betterment of other people.
Compassion is the ability to love unconditionally,
expecting nothing in return.
Cultivate the virtue of compassion in
you, love other fellow beings, help the needy ones.
Kindness should become the natural way of life, not the exception…
7. Be Focused
To achieve success in life you must
have an unwavering laser sharp focus.
You ought to be able to keep out all
the distractions which may hamper your focus.
listen to naysayers, just focus on the task at hand.
What you focus on grows. So put your
focus on things that you want rather what you don’t want.
8. Learn Through Experience
Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense
Gautam Buddha stressed upon the need
to learn through experience. He said don’t believe on anything because it said
by a person of authority/expert. Believe only if it works
There are so many experts in the field
of self- help, motivation etc. Everyone is coming up with new theory or
strategy, which he/she claims can change your life.
Don’t blindly accept what is being propagated,
test the assumption in the laboratory of life and see for yourself if it works.
If it work then adopt it otherwise discard it.
9. All The Power Is Within Us
No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.
We human beings contain all the power
within ourselves to achieve all our dreams. Yet we endlessly search outside for
these powers.
Since, we have neglected these powers,
a layer of thick dust has accumulated on it.
We must believe that we are capable
and tap into the hidden power deep inside of us.
Stop running around, like a deer which
keeps searching for musk all around whereas the musk is hidden inside it.
Uncover your musk.
The Kingdom of God is within you... Luke 17:20-21
10. Be Happy
There is no path to happiness, Happiness is the path
It is fallacy that we shall be happy
once we achieve our goals, or become rich.
Happiness is not contingent upon attainment of
our desires.
Happiness is a state of mind. Be in a
state of eternal bliss.
11. Shun
Sloth is one of the obstacles in the
pursuit of your goals. Do away with laziness.
Nothing worthwhile has ever been achieved
by idleness. You must be steadfast in the pursuit of your goals without getting
attached to its result.
12. Forgive Others
You will not be punished for your anger; you will be punished by your anger.
There are people who are still angry
with someone for what he/she did or said 10-20 years back.
They are living a miserable life by
reliving that incident everyday.
Forgive others, who you perceive have
wronged you.
Holding on to anger, hatred within us is
like storing acid in a plastic bottle. Eventually the acid will eat away the plastic
The same way harboring anger,
resentment with in us is like acid which will eat up our soul causing no harm
to the other person.
Do yourself a farour and forgive the
other person.
The moment you forgive you set yourself
13. Live In Awareness/Mindfulness
Don’t Dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
Being present in the moment and
focusing your complete attention on the task at hand is called mindfulness.
When we are totally engrossed in the
activity without any anxiety about the result or what others will think or say,
you persist in the face of adversity.
To cultivate mindfulness consider the
task at hand, however small it may be, as the most important task in the world.
14. Practice Letting Go
In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.
We must learn the ate of letting go.
There are so many things which we do
not have control over. There is no point loosing our sleep over them. Holding
on to everything will make our life miserable.
Let go of the relationship which is
not working.
Let go of hatred, anger…
Let go of ill will, jealousy…
Let go of the desires you have…
Let go of the attachment to fame,
riches, possessions…
Summing Up:
1. Control
Your Mind
2. Right Speech
3. Free Yourself from Desire
4. Equanimity
5. Learn
to Suffer
6. Compassion
7. Be Focused
8. Learn
Through Experience
9. All The Power Is Within Us
10. Be Happy
11. Shun Laziness
12. Forgive Others
13. Live In Awarene/ss/Mindfulness
14. Practice
Letting Go
What strategy do you use when you are overwhelmed by the challenges of life?
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