How To Bust Your Limiting Beliefs?

Roger Banister

 Photo Courtesy-The Guardian

Till 1954, doctors, psychologists believed that it is humanly impossible to run a mile in under 4 min. Roger Banister was the first man to run 1 mile in under 4 min. He achieved what so many people believed impossible for so long.

After 46 days of him breaking the world record, another athlete Landy broke his world record. And subsequently, other athletes also started running sub 4 min mile.

How did this happen? A feat which was earlier believed to be impossible, physically now could be achieved by quite a few athletes. What changed? Nothing has changed except the belief. 

Roger Banister’s sub 4 min run instilled a new belief in people that it could be done. Armed with new belief other athletes also started running a mile in under 4 min.

What we achieve in life much less depends upon our ability, hard work, etc, and more on our belief.

Our success is constrained by our limiting beliefs.


What is Belief?


Belief is our perception of ourselves, about others, or the world around us. Quite often our beliefs are not true. Our experiences, society, conventions, etc shape our beliefs.

A thought repeated, again and again, becomes your belief. That is how you create your own beliefs. 


A belief is a feeling of certainty about what something means…Tony Robins


Limiting Beliefs?

Limiting Beliefs


Baby Elephants are, traditionally, chained to a stake in the ground. They try to set themselves free but due to their small size, they are unable to break the chain.

They keep trying several times/days and eventually give up when they are unable to break themselves free. 

They grow up believing that they do not have enough strength to break the chain. Consequently, when they grow up they do not even try to set themselves free.

They are not held by the chain but by their limiting belief.

 So many of us are held by the chains of limiting beliefs about ourselves. That makes us sell ourselves short. 

I am not smart.. 

I am not good enough..

I am not intelligent..

I am fat/thin/short/tall…

I am not a good speaker..etc


These beliefs restrict our growth. People with limiting beliefs do not question the status quo, they do not take risks in their lives. Ans sadly, do not realise their full potential.


 What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are…Tony Robins



How to Bust Your Limiting Beliefs?


I recently attended a workshop conducted by Tony Robins where he shared a simple yet effective framework to get ourselves of our limiting beliefs.

I am sharing the steps to crush your limiting beliefs here:


Step-1: Identify An Old Limiting Belief

What are the beliefs that are sabotaging your success? Identify them and list them down.

I am afraid of failing

I am not good at selling


Step-2: Identify The Consequence Of That Belief

For each of the beliefs you have captured:

How are these affecting your life? What are you missing out? What is it keeping you from experiencing in your business and personal life?

If you don’t change this belief, what is it ultimately going to cost you in life?


Step-3: Create Your Own Empowering Belief

Come up with new empowering beliefs that are opposite of your old beliefs. What is the new belief that will set you free?


Old Limiting Belief                                              New Empowering Belief 

I am afraid of failure                            There is no failure; there is only learning

I am not good at selling                             Selling is serving, I love to serve!


Step-4: Own All The Ways This New Belief Will Change Your Life


Describe with a new belief, how would your life change for the better? How would it change your business? How much could you build your business? How much more people can you help?


Step-5: Identify 3 Examples Why Your New Belief is True?


Why do you know this new belief system is really true? What are three examples of how you know this new belief is true?


Step-6: Condition Your New Belief So It Becomes A Habit


Every day for the next 10 days, put your new belief into practice so that it 

becomes second nature to you. 

You can practice saying your new belief loud over and over again with real emotion and energy.

Every day, in every way, I’m getting stronger and stronger.


Belief Creates and Belief Destroys

Destroy those who destroy.


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