How to Get Out of Motivation Bullshit?

How to Motivate yourself?

“Dad, How do I motivate myself to Study?” asked my teenage daughter a few days ago.

“That is impossible?” I replied on a lighter note.

What is Motivation according to you?I enquired

After some coaxing and thinking she replied, “It is a desire to do something?”

 I further asked “Why do you want to do something?”

She replied “Number 1- I truly love doing it. 2) I have to do it ( I guess studying falls under this category)?”

“Brilliant answer” I said.


Following is the essence of our conversation: How to motivate yourself?


Remind Yourself of the Consequences!


If you are not feeling motivated to do something like study, working etc, remind yourself what price you will have to pay if you do not do that task.

You will not be able to achieve success in life. You may have to live a miserable life etc etc.

Look at the people around you who are not doing well in their lives, if you do not put in the work you may also end up like them.

Will you be comfortable in leading that sort of life?


Move Yourself & the Motivation Will Follow


I shared an anecdote with her. A few months back my entire family: 1 wife and 2 daughters were down with COVID-19. I was the only person who was all right.

 I did all household chores- from dish washing to cooking to mopping everything. During that period I suddenly thought, how does my wife and other ladies motivate themselves to get up everyday and do boring household work.

Do they wait for motivation to move them? Then I realized they do it irrespective of whether they feel motivated or not!

Move yourself and the motivation will follow

I am not advocating that motivation is not necessary. But waiting to be motivated before you take action is a fallacy.

As it is said : Move your body and your heart will follow!


Create Your Own Motivation

Every morning before you start your day pick up one motivational quote which resonates with you. During the day keep repeating it. It will give you required motivation to take on your task/obstacles head on.

Since you already have a thought replaying in your head, in terms of the quote, other random unwanted thoughts will not creep into your mind.


Have Massive Goals but Start Small

I have experienced in my own life that when I have a big goal for myself I do not need any motivation to start. I already have my eyes on the goal. The enormity of the goal itself inspires you.

On the contrary if you have small goals for yourself you will not be inspired to achieve it. So have big goals.

Sometimes enormity of your goal or dream can also unsettle you. For that break your goals into small manageable goals and start small.

A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step.

I advised her to follow Pomodoro Technique while studying. She can study 15-20 min at a stretch then take a break of 5-10 min and then get back to studying.  Gradually she can increase her study time and decrease the break time.


Mediocrity is a Crime


Whenever you feel hesitant not to study or move beyond your comfort zone, remind yourself: mediocrity is a crime and if you do not do what is required of you, you will be doomed live a mediocre life!

Ask yourself- Is that what you want from Life?


This conversation is a stark reminder to all of us who are waiting get motivated to start on their goals. Most of the time people use lack of motivation as an excuse not to take actions on their dreams.

As Michael Phelps wrote in his book No Limits- ask yourself What is Important Now?”  then go ahead and do it irrespective of how you feel.


Just Do It!




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