Ukraine War, A Death and Falling in Love with Life Again!

Ukraine War



Today Russia invaded Ukraine. There are so many nasty things happening around the world and in my country as well. The whole world seems to be in turmoil.


Today my grandmother passed away after a prolonged illness. In death she found her freedom from sufferings.


Came to know that Dad has not been keeping well for some time now. My folks do not stay with us. They are comfortable in their familiar environment back home.


I asked myself: What if this conflict between Russian and Ukraine snowballs into something bigger impacting the entire world? How will that impact our lives? Can it turn out to be as bad as WWII?


All these events and questions forced me to have a look at my own life.


In our pursuit to earn money we are sacrificing our today, our health, time with family or sometimes our soul.


We are bartering our life for a few nickels. How prudent is it?


When we invest money, we do so much research, take care not to invest money in loss making ventures. And after all due-diligent if we incur loss, most of us are not able to withstand that shock.


But when it comes to investing our life, we not do any research, we do not hesitate to invest in loss making/useless pursuits. The worst part is that we do not seem to be worried about frittering away our lives.


For we give more importance to money than life. Following illustrates the point.


Because of ongoing conflict, stock market crashed across the globe. As per newspaper article, one person took his life after incurring heavy losses in the stock market



 Where can we focus to live a meaningful and happy life? Followings are the excerpts of thoughts pen down by me in my journal:


Spend Time with Family

We are living our lives in earning money for our immediate use and for retirement. In fact, that seems to be the only purpose for most of us today. We are earning and saving money( which is necessary to some extent) to be used someday in future.


But we may not live to enjoy the fruits of our saving. Even our family may not survive either to use the money that we earned as a barter to spending time with them.


Let us start spending more time with our family, friends. For they are not going to be around forever. You don’t want to die regretting that you were not able to spend time with them.


Ask your family they would prefer you spending time with them than spending time on earning loads of money.


Pursue your Dreams


Every one has a dream, and they have skills in them to accomplish it. What are they doing with their dreams?


You don’t want to be on the death bed thinking I could have accomplished my dreams if only I had not focused my energies on earning money. For that you have paid price through sacrificing your dreams.


But it would be an excuse a veil to hid behind. No one stopped you from pursing your dreams. Even if someone criticized/laughed at you for your dream, it was in your power to brush it aside and march on.


What dreams are you holding on to? What are your excuses for not pursuing your dreams?




Touch Someone’s Life

Spending time with family, pursing dream to a large extent is about self.  This does not essentially constitute living a holistic life.


A well lived life is the life lived for others.

Impact someone's life


When an individual is dying, the feeling that he has made tons of money will not bring him happiness, contentment, peace & joy. But the thought that he has touched someone’s life in a positive way will surely give him joy, peace, contentment. It will give him a feeling of a life well lived.


We don’t have to impact the whole society or nation or the world. Even if we are able to make a single person’s life better, it would be worth our effort.


What impact have you made in people’s lives? What legacy are you going to leave behind? How would people remember you after your departure?


Banish Soul Crushers


Resentment, jealousy, anger, ego are like cancer in your life. Get rid of them immediately before they take deep roots.


These emotions stop us from living a complete, happy and free life. Don’t let them destroy your life. Look at the positive side of things, laugh often, love often, bless people, offer your shoulder for others to cry.


Life is blissful when it is devoid of such negative emotions.


Fall in Love with Life Once Again


We love anything and everything under the sun- spouse, kids, friends, animals, tatooos, piercing at weird places. But don’t love our life because of which we exist.


Ask a person, whose time has come, he would tell you how precious the life is. He would give anything to live again. But we take life for granted till it reminds us of its importance through illness, accident etc.


Loving your life does not mean that you become narcissist or a megalomaniac.


Your life is God’s blessing to you. Don’t perform sacrilege by wasting it away. Love it as you would love  the love of your life.


Let us focus on primary thing (living life), don’t let secondary thing ( earning money etc) become primary.


“ We Live But Once”





  1. In my retirement I realized all these things.
    It's changed it all.
    Feeling grateful
    & oh so blessed 🙏


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