Push Through Your Obstacles Because- It Isn't Over Until It's Over!

It ain't over until it's over


It isn’t over until it is over- Yogi Berra


Just imagine you have run around 130 km, and have been on the road for approximately 19-20 hrs on a winter night in Jaisalmer, sleep deprived, shivering because of cold, tired physically and mentally, and suddenly you realise that you have lost the way. 


What would be your reaction?



Sometimes when you hit the wall, the situation seems hopeless; remember not everything is lost.

 Don’t lose hope: because It isn’t over until it's over.


This is the time to watch out for what thoughts go through your mind.


The world around you is the reflection of your thoughts. In fact where ever you are in life, whether you like it or not, is the result of your thoughts.


That’s How Powerful Your Thoughts are.



Let me explain this with the help of a couple of real-life incidents.


My Tryst With Failure


“ Why couldn’t you complete this race papa?” asked my elder daughter when I came back from a 100 km sky run at Solang Valley.


I had run so many marathons, ultra marathon runs, and have run otherwise in my Army life, but I had never dropped out of any race, irrespective of how difficult the race might have been. But in this race, I dropped out at the 80 km mark. It was a tough and challenging race. To give you a perspective, out of 36 people who started the race only 9 people could reach the first checkpoint within the cut-off time. And out of those 9, only 6 could complete the race.


 But my daughter’s question forced me to find the real reason for me quitting the race because I knew that pain and suffering were not the real reasons.


With some introspection, I could find the real reason.


Before going for the race, I was watching a documentary about an elite ultra-marathon runner. In that, she said that she dropped out of her first ultra-marathon run. Hearing this I told myself,” If an elite ultra-marathon runner like her could quit the race. Then, it shouldn’t be a big deal if I quit any race.”


With this thought at the back of my mind, I entered the race. At the 80 km mark, I was completely exhausted, I was going through excruciating pain. After all I have been on the move for the past 25 hours in a mountainous terrain.


I did not know what to do next. And at this weak moment the thought that was at the back of my mind, came to the forefront and made the decision of quitting the race easier.

I now knew that my harmless-looking thought was the real reason for me quitting the race.


That is the power of your thoughts


During the introspection, I learned that- planning and preparation are very important in any endeavor. Since things seldom go as per the plans one must be flexible in his approach.


One must be humble, going into this race I was over confident as I had run a 73 Km race the previous year on the highest motorable road in the world, Khardungla, Leh. I thought this race would be easier but I was wrong.


And when you face any obstacle you must be persistent enough to push through it.



Finally I Did it!


I applied all these learnings in the next race. It was a 160 km race to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1971 war with Pakistan.


Till 110 Km everything was fine. I was tired but things were under my control. But after 110 Km I lost my way. For the next 4.5 hrs, I was wandering here and there in the darkness and ran 20 + km extra.


When I realised I was lost, I was crestfallen, completely devastated, and I was kicking myself. I did not know what to do.  


I took out my mobile phone from my Hydration bag and sat down on the road. Now I had two options-


One- To continue the race. But I was physically and mentally tired, I was low on morale, I had only 10-15 ml water left with me and as per the rules of the race, I could not borrow water from outside. And I was not sure when will I get water the next. The next 50 km were the most difficult of the entire race, and I was not left with much time.


Second- to quit. The moment this thought came to my mind I told myself- you keep telling your 2 girls that never quit in your life, just push through the challenges however difficult the situation may be. But if you quit now what example you would be setting for them? You got to be a role model for them. You must walk your talk.


I reminded myself: It ain’t over until it's over.


The moment this thought came to my mind, I got up recollected myself, and ran like a man possessed. I did complete the race well within the cut off time of 28 hours.



I have shared two incidents with you. In the first incident, my thoughts were the reason for my failure and in the second incident, my thoughts were the reasons for my success.




It isn’t Over Until its Over


Your thoughts can be the difference between your success and failure!


If anything in your life is not working, have a deep look at your thoughts. Maybe you are not thinking the right thoughts. Be stand guard at the door of your mind. Allow only good thoughts to enter your mind.


Your thoughts create feelings in you- your feelings create actions and your actions create your destiny. If you want to change your destiny, change your thoughts.


When you sometime feel lost, it may be the start of your self-discovery. At times you got to lose yourself to find yourself.


So when the situation is tough and hopeless, remember: It ain’t over until it's over.



  1. What a fantastic finish. Thank you Major for sharing your life lessons.

  2. Cheers Buddy. Life a great lesson. Your experiences are golden treasure. fabulous narration & the Army class compounded " When Going Gets Tough , The Tough Gets Going "


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